You, Your Financial Goals & GDL

By this point, the hype of the new year and the motivation to see resolutions through might have begun to fade away. New year resolutions start off quite determinedly and then dwindle as the year gets older and old habits offer comfortability. It is easy to fall back into old patterns rather than push ourselves to try out different, potentially better paths.

The truth is change can be daunting but what makes it doable are the positive results that come from embracing the shift. In 2023, we recommend staying committed to a specific number of resolutions, in order to stay focused and even get motivated for other goals. One of the key areas in your life that should not be neglected and promises to yield rewarding ROIs, are your finances – investments, budgeting and savings.

If your method of staying motivated in seeing your resolutions through is by working with a partner that helps you stay accountable, then GDL is the perfect choice for you. We don’t just promise our support with words, these are the ways we work towards your financial growth:

  • What’s our investment philosophy? We believe that through the financial success of the individual, society as a collective is impacted.
  • How do we work together? Essentially, pursuing financial success with GDL as a partner is a collaborative effort. We combine your dreams, current state and your future goals with our commitment to empower clients with the financial knowledge, services or products they need to make financial success possible. To do this, we employ the trusted tools within our arsenal – financing, stockbroking, financial advisory, asset management and more – to make it possible. We help you gain clarity about what your financial goals are, making it easier to identify how to source knowledge and advisory that brings you closer to your goals.
  • What product/services does GDL provide? We recognize that your financial needs are uniquely specific to you and your journey, so we have carefully curated financial products that target the different stages of your financial journey.
    • GDL Luxury Yield Note is for the savvy investor who wants to cushion their funds against inflation, maintain liquidity and earn higher than marketROI.
    • GDL Money Market Fund gives the investor a soft entry into investments and access more with the little they have.
    • GDL Canary Fund makes balancing risk and high yield easier, by adequately distributing the investor’s funds across several asset classes.
    • GDL Income Fund provides an additional and consistent stream of income for the individual who wants to earn more over a long period of time.
    • GDL High Yield Note is specially designed for the investor who enjoys the combined benefits of high risk and equally high yield.
    • GDL Long Term Note caters to investors who want to hold their investment for a long period of time, with minimal risk of capital loss.
    • GDL Dollar Note empowers the investor to expand their investment reach beyond the naira market to the dollar market.
    • GDL Financing is the right choice for individuals seeking fund support to kick start big projects that are near and dear to their heart.
    • GDL Asset Management makes the daily monitoring of assets and funds simpler for the investor, by relying on GDL’s managers to expertly handle and distribute assets, on behalf or at the behest of the client.
  • What are our communication options? Remember your financial success is a collaborative effort between us? This means the communication lines are wide open between you, the client and us at GDL. We want to hear from you, at every point of your journey. When you come onboard the GDL ‘financial freedom’ movement, our client relationship and fund managers are available to answer questions and advise on the next step for your investments.You can also connect with us on all our social media platforms - @gdl-nigeria – and receive in-depth information about fund performance by signing up to our weekly newsletter here.

Visit to take the first step to staying on track with your new year’s resolutions. Set the goals and rely on us to make them happen. Which GDL service or product are you taking advantage of this year?




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